Thursday, March 21, 2013


Just had to share the beautiful Spring new foliage on my Butterfly Japanese Maple. It gets this pink in the leaves when the new foliage comes out in Spring. The pink fades to just variegated green and white into the summer months. It's beautiful then too.

Japanese Maples or Acer palmatum are small growing trees that grow well in part shade. There are many different varieties. I also have a red one. But that's another blog post.

I've had this little variegated tree for about 16 years. I haven't planted it in the ground yet. It's still in a large pot and is a little over 6 feet tall. They're always expensive. So of course I bought it as a very small plant. I remember getting it at a recently closed nursery with can credits. In case you don't know. We landscape professionals store up all our used nursery containers to then return them to the nursery for credit to buy more plants. Not many nurseries give credit for cans any longer. Ah, good times :-)

Happy Spring! 


  1. Thank you for sharing this. And for sharing the memory of the 'can credits.' Another fine tradition bites the dust in the face of 'creative destruction' of the nursery industry...

  2. Look's like a Butterfly!
