It was spectacular and I started pining for one. I checked a few nurseries but only found the white one and it was spendy. I took a few cuttings and tried to root them. One survived. I still have it but it's one inch tall. This variety of Hydrangea lost all of it's leaves in the winter and was a brown stick. It differed from our regular Hydrangea macrophylla whose stems are very fleshy and the new growth is green. Flash forward to 2 weeks ago. I was at a nursery and found a few of this special plant and they were just leafing out. But they were $36.00. I talked myself out of it. Then I saw it again at the Descanso Gardens gift shop last weekend for $50.00. Again I didn't buy it. Then I saw this on Pinterest:
And decided it was talking to me ;-) So today I went back to Lincoln Avenue Nursery in Pasadena and bought the $35.00 plant. I planted it in my garden as soon as I got home.
Find all my pins here on Pinterest.
Happy Gardening!!!
Be glad you don't live where there are deer who love hydrangeas! We just came back from a hydrangea garden completely eaten.