Saturday, July 16, 2016

Digiplex-who? Is that a Movie Theater?

I began seeing this new plant called Digiplexis(say didge-eh-plex-iss) a few years ago in nurseries.  The name sounds like a movie theater, I know.  The plants were beautiful and looked like a brightly colored Foxglove with beefier green foliage.  They were too spendy for me then and always seemed to come in big containers. And as you know the bigger the plant/pot, the more it costs.

** The following 3 pix taken from the internet to illustrate. 

Research tells that Digiplexis, a perennial

is a cross between Digitalis(Foxglove), a biennial

Digitalis or Foxglove
 and Isoplexis which is a tender perennial that one hardly ever sees in nurseries.


So, I was at Home Depot this week and found Digiplexis in one gallon containers for only $5.99!  I broke my own rule(like I often do) of not buying plants in our summer heat and bought 2 of them.  I couldn't help it!  I had been wanting them for several years and they were cheap!!

So here is one that I planted in my garden yesterday and watered many times.  They are supposed to take full sun to part shade. And I have seen them in sun at a big wholesale nursery.  But I planted mine in part shade on the east side. They'll get morning sun.  Wish me luck that I can keep them alive through our hot SoCal summer.

The other one was starting to wilt so. So I cut off the flowers to save the plant and put them in a little vase making a quickie bouquet with an orangey red tacoma and an Erica discolor.  
Are you growing Digiplexis?   

Happy gardening! 

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