Last weekend we made arches to cover our two walkways. Our house is on a corner which means we have two walkways on either side to get from the streets to our house. We have no sidewalks in our neighborhood. Often cars park directly in front of the paths to our door which makes it difficult to figure out how to get to our door other than step all over my plants. I thought maybe by making arches to delineate where our walkway entrances are, it might be easier. It would definitely be prettier and I'd have places for more climbing plants! So I bought 4 pieces each of 20 foot long 1/2' rebar. It wasn't easy strapping them to my truck and getting home from Home Depot. We used 1/2 metal conduit cut into 2 foot long pieces and pounded them into the ground with a little sticking out. The two of us bent the rebar around a tree trunk and together bent them more on the driveway to get just the right(or close to) arches. They're actually fairly flexible! Then we set the rebar in an X into the 4 metal holes. Then the top of the X was wired together.

On this, the south side I transplanted my Coral Vine that was such a beautiful monster elsewhere too close to the house last year. You can catch up on it here.
Coral Vine I really want to plant an EDEN climbing rose on the other side of this arch but haven't been able to find one yet. A trip to
Otto & Sons Nursery is in order in a couple weeks. In the meanwhile I'll work on the weeds.
On this side I planted a Kennedia prostrata with pretty pea flowers that I bought at
The Huntington Library & Gardens last week. It was so beautiful that my friend Mitzi and 2 other ladies each also bought one! I've found that I have to buy the unusual thing or I'll pine for it and it'll be gone when I return! I haven't yet decided what climbing rose to plant on the other side of this arch.
So, I finally finished pruning MY OWN roses this week. Yay! Now there's so many weeds.
My totals are: 133 roses pruned this week.
2283 total bushes pruned so far.
And I still have maybe one more week to go of pruning jobs. Happy pruning!