I used to grow this plant about 10 years ago. I forgot about it until last November when I saw it growing at a new client's house because you just don't see it very often. It is a wonderful perennial called Tracheluim caeruleum or "Throatwort" because it was used to treat throat problems. It is a Mediterranean native and that's why it does well here. It comes in ranges of purple and white, likes sun to part shade and makes a great cut flower. Trachelium grows to about 3 feet tall in flower and has unusual bronzy foliage. My client's plants are in bloom now and are looking fabulous! I have been nursery hunting for it for 8 months and finally found it TODAY at San Gabriel Nursery! I bought all 3 of them that they had and will plant them tomorrow in the garden. I am so happy I just had to share.