I have grown this one Asparagus retrofractus for about 12 years. It started out for me in a one gallon can as I most often try to buy smaller plants that are cheaper. It then got potted up into a 5 gallon can, then a 15 gal. and now is in a very large 24 inch pot. It is called an Asparagus "fern" and there are other varieties. But Asparagus ferns are not really ferns because they do not make spores. Some make little white flowers like the Asp. sprengeri (the cascading type that is SO obnoxious in the ground). Some make no flowers like this one. Asparagus ferns are propagated by division. Most have water holding pods on their roots. That's what makes them so drought tolerant. My big Asparagus fern sends out new shoots right from the ground that come up like bamboo maybe once a year. They're almost as quick too! And they do look like the edible Asparagus when the new sprouts emerge.
Asparagus retrofractus is a wonderful plant. It will grow upright to about 6 feet when at it's happiest. It likes some shade but will tolerate some sun. It is a great filler for cut flower arrangements and can be used short or long.
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