Monday, February 22, 2016

Pretty Red Craziness!

I planted this vine from a 1 gallon can only one year ago on one of our rebar arches.   It's Kennedia prostrata and I bought it from The Huntington. Today it is covered in flowers.   It's so pretty!  It doesn't have tendrils to grab so I have to keep tying it up. It's reached a but over the top of the arch. Being a legume in the pea family it makes pods. So I will have a lot of picking to do soon. Just like deadheading roses, picking off pods helps the plant to bloom longer. That way it doesn't spend its energy making seeds.  

 Being a legume in the pea family it makes pods. So I will have a lot of picking to do soon. Just like deadheading roses, picking off pods helps the plant to bloom longer. That way it doesn't spend its energy making seeds.  

Too bad it missed Valentine's Day ❤️

Happy Gardening! 

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