Monday, March 7, 2016

Always In Bloom

It rained here Saturday night and this morning. It was big awesome, loud, drenching, our street was a river type rain. Most of the garden is weeded. I put down horse manure mulch last week. The roses are leafing out and some are even budding after our warm February. So my garden is coming along fabulous!

There is a lot blooming even though the roses aren't yet. Here is a species Geranium -Pelargonium ionidiflorum. Say eye-oh-nid-i-flor-um. It is ALWAYS in bloom! Seriously! It grows like a groundcover; only about 8" tall and about 3' across. Of course it is native to South Africa where all the cool plants are from. I have 4 of them. They make a great pop of color. I think I need several more.

How is your garden? 

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