Friday, January 23, 2015


It is wonderful to see cheery yellow flowers blooming in winter here in SoCal. This plant is Cassia artemisioides, meaning that the leaves look like Artemisia. But that's a different blog post. Actually they changed the name from Cassia to Senna. I hate when they do that. I'll still call it Cassia.

It's native to Australia, drought tolerant and does really well here since we have a similar Mediterranean climate. It has gray needle like foliage and bright yellow flowers. Mine just began blooming and will bloom winter into Spring. It is said to grow up to 6'. I have only seen it get about 4' tall. Mine is about 2, 1/2' now and a few years old. You can see the whole plant in this photo along with weeds that I have yet to get to because of so much work.  

My rose pruning totals so far:
This week I pruned 342 rose bushes. 
My total is 1294 bushes pruned this season.
I'm so tired. But it's good to have lots of work.
Happy pruning!

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