Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Coral Vine Again

You might remember last year in September I posted about my Coral Vine Antigonon leptopus trying to eat our house. See that post here Coral Vine 2014.  In December I dug it up and put it in a temporary place. THEN I transplanted it again when we made our rebar arches.  See that post from February here Rebar Arches.   You couldn't even see the Coral Vine when I planted it by the new arch because I had cut it WAY back. It goes kinda dormant in winter and you'll want to cut it back if you have it growing up(as opposed to sprawling like a ground cover).

So, here it is now! It didn't grow as far as it did last year. Probably because I dug it up twice.  But it is a tough plant(as vines are meant to be) and is putting on a very pretty show now.  AND the bees love it.  It's totally BEE-fest out there all day.

And here is my Rick posing with the pretty monster :-) 
Happy Autumn! 

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